Learn photography. This is an important step, since you'll need to take some photos to capture the heart of your loved one. Also, you should learn photoshop so you can edit your photos properly. Maybe you should also make sure you finished at least high school, because there's really nothing worse than trying to woo a girl with spelling mistakes. Then talk to that girl, and find out what she likes. If she says she likes mustard, make a mental note of that. If you have a bad memory, write it down. If you have a problem with your hands, get someone else to write it down for you. Then wait for Valentine's Day (this can take a while, depending on the gregorian calendar). Then tell her you will find her a heart-shaped mushroom. then get a dog so you can go out and walk the dog. While walking the dog, find a heart-shaped mushroom, even if it takes all day. Take a photo of the mushroom. Add some kind words to the photo and send it to her. Whatever you do, never (I mean NEVER) send her a google maps link... Now sit back and wait. When she sees the mushroom, she will say things like 'awwww' and 'wow' and 'best gift EVER'... Congratulations! You have successfully managed to woo someone.
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